Northam Army Camp Heritage Association Inc.

View of the corrugated-iron buildings at Northam Army Camp. Building H8 at Northam Army Camp. View of a group of corrugated-iron buildings at Northam Army Camp. The sentry box at the entrance to Northam Army Camp.


Camp Timeline

Look-up Northam Army Camp's major milestones and see where they fit into the camp's timeline.

Education Resources

These teacher resources have been prepared by Mark Gargano, Science, Society & Environment and Technology Coordinator, Year 10 Coordinator, St Joseph's School, Northam. The education material is linked to Early Adolescence Years 7 — 10 Society and Environment Learning Outcomes, in particular Time, Continuity and Change and Culture.

Further Reading

Access all the references, websites and reading material relating to Northam Army Camp in the one place.


Do you or one of your family members have a connection to Northam Army Camp? Are you interested in sharing that story with us? If so, the Northam Army Camp Heritage Association Inc would love to hear from you and include it on our website!